Respecting the cold chain

The cold chain is fragile, and failure to respect it can quickly affect food safety and consumer health.1

The logistical challenge of refrigerated freight and cold chain compliance is considerable, with every step involving potential risk to the goods. However, these efforts are essential to ensure product quality and consumer safety. To respect the cold chain, businesses need to work with a variety of partners and suppliers to find a solution tailored to their specific needs.



Logistical and budgetary challenges in route and storage management


Poor visibility of cold chain compliance


Loss of inventory and product recall

The Morneau solution

Equipped to respect the entire cold chain

Extensive cold chain expertise

We adhere to the highest standards of food quality. Our transshipment warehouses and quality system are optimized to comply with Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) and Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) standards.

Optimized processes

Our work methods are carefully thought out, from storage to transportation. Whatever your needs, we’re able to support you with our various specialized services:

  • Order preparation and consolidation
  • Blast freezing
  • Inspection services
  • Import and export services

Cutting-edge equipment

Thanks to our fleet of multi-temperature trailers and refrigerated loading docks and warehouses, Morneau makes sure your orders always stay cool. Our internal auditing system ensures that temperatures in our facilities are consistent at all times.

The Morneau service

Morneau Borea’s multi-temperature trailers and refrigerated warehouses ensure the cold chain is respected throughout the delivery of your fresh and frozen products.
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